Tuesday, 20 April 2010


This summer, I'm visiting Ecuador, for those of you who are geographically challenged, (like me), Ecuador is on the west coast of South America.

A general summary of what I will get up to:

  • Hot Springs - a natural spa with swimming pools!
  • Then we go to the Amazon and stay with a traditional family - the same ethnicity as Jacob Black ;)
  • We stay in a jungle lodge located on the Napo River - and we go in kayaks, canoes, and we even go white water rafting!
  • We return to the mountains and take part in activities such as; hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking.
  • We then shop (thank God) and visit a volcano.
  • I have NO idea what a hacienda is but we "discover" one of those!
  • Next, we go to the largest handicraft market in South America.
  • Finally, my family and I stay in a hotel and relax for another week!

I am looking forward to my trip so much and I will keep you posted after I return :)

I will leave you with beautiful pictures of Ecuador;

Love you readers,



Friday, 16 April 2010

LookBook, Harems and Snoods

Hey readers :)

As we draw the Easter Holidays to a close, school draws to mind. I am definitely enjoying my time off too much to want to go back, so much so, that I have prevented anyone from mentioning school to me. It's probably the exams that are so daunting, I really want to do well this year and so I am revising 4 weeks ahead :) Crazy? I call it being prepared!

Anyway, over these holidays, I have joined LookBook. (Http://lookbook.nu/adasm) I chose adasm because of my blog name, first letter of Antique Dreams and Sewing Machines. So anyway, I posted a second look today:

Please take a look and comment :)

Lots of love,



Tuesday, 13 April 2010

10 things about me :)

1. I fall in love easily - way to easily. Love, it's amazing when you have it but, it's hard to deal with when you lose it. Actually, I'm in love now, but he doesn't know it.

2. I'm stubborn, even if I know I'm wrong, I will fight it out until the person I'm arguing with will give up.

3. My granddad received an OBE which means I can get married in St Pauls cathedral. Woop woop! (Normally people cannot get married in there unless they're really special!)

4. I am a little bit Norweigan, my ancestors were vikings, which scares me a little bit :P

5. I hate it when people abbreviate unless it's three words i.e. I can put up with; atm, btw, lol, brb etc but I HATE; ur, u, r, luv, etc etc. I don't know why, I just hate it!

6. I have OCD when it comes to being clean, (I don't literally have the medical condition haaha) I'm just a bit obsessive according to some. I have to wash my hair everyday which hairdressers say is really bad for it but whatever. I also sometimes wash twice a day.

7. I hate rascists, and homophobic people. I cannot stand it when people cuss gays. I'm not gay myself but being homophobic is the same as rascism. I have met fashionable people who want to work in fashion, and hate gays, well honey you aren't gonna go far if you hate gays in the fashion business.

8. I'm christian, most people don't know that, but yeah, I believe in God. I attend church pretty much every Sunday.

9. I have travelled to lots of places and am grateful for it :) Some places include; Vietnam, India, Bali - Indonesia, Lombok, Egypt, Tunisia, Rwanda, Uganda, etc etc. We usually go to more exotic places, and this year I am going to Ecuador :)

10. I love to cook, I don't eat that much, but I cook often enough. My speciality is Stir Fry yum yum! I HATE English food and love Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese etc :)

Love you fellow readers



Sunday, 11 April 2010

Carvela/Kurt Geiger

I was reading a blog called Union Olivia, when I saw a pair of brogues that looked vaguely familiar, then I realised they were the same ones as the pair I had tried one in the shop in Bentalls! I fell in love with them and wanted them, I also saw a powder blue pair which were nice too but the purple were much better. Here they are:

These are the powder blue ones that are quite nice (I prefer the lilac ones though!)

These are the lilac shoes that I tried on, I would've bought them, but instead, I bought the ones below which I prefered! These ones (if you are interested in buying them) are £59 in Bentalls! A very fair price for pretty good shoes!

These shoes are the ones I bought, I really like them as they remind me of the sports luxe shoes, and they look good with my tapered trousers, (I hope :D) What do you think?

Love you all readers,




Hey, hey, hey readers,

This post is dedicated to my favourite physical activity; ballet. I love this form of dance because it is so beautiful and spectacular. It's elegant and a great way of keeping fit :). Despite what wiki says, ballet originated in the FRENCH courts in the 15th century, not the Italian ones (stupid wikipedia!) anyway, onto BEEEYOOTIFUL pictures of ballet dancers!

I love this one, how she got up there, I have NO idea but she looks beautiful! I love the pose especially and the black and white photography adds to the amazingness (yes I did say that) of the photo.

Oh and I forgot to mention earlier that the pictures on the side of my main page are all from the ballerina project on facebook which is where I get all my pictures from. Click on the picture and it will take you to the link...

I will leave you with another of my favourites...

Her pose is just so stunning, I like this because no matter how long you stare at it, it never loses it's intensity!

Love you all readers and followers, and readers who aren't followers; follow please :)



Saturday, 10 April 2010


The dictionary definition of a cliché is a saying, expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, rendering it a stereotype especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.


Firstly, I will cover the dreaded... wait for it.... UGGS!
I cannot express my hate for these shoes enough, no offence to the ugg lovers out there but I really, REALLY, hate them. They are boring, scruffy and U.G.L.Y. I just think that they are a lazy person's excuse for not being fashionable or not saving up for a nice pair of shoes!! I did used to wear them, until the general public fell in love with them and then took them over. I know keep a pair as slippers because their one attribute is that they can be (depending where you buy) extremely comfortable.


These are jean looking leggings, as with the uggs, I did own a pair of these, from H&M, but I bought them a LONG time ago, I bought them in March last year, when they were extremely unheard of. Now they are in every single shop on the high street and pretty much everyone that owns uggs owns a pair of these, probably from primark.

I think the worst bit of these are the fact that only slim people can get away with them, so for the majority of the population that has a un-skeletal, body;
every lump and bump is revealed under the naked eye. Which is why you should wear a bum-covering t-shirt.

I have seen some girls, with an indiscrete sense of style wearing their treggings with the top band folded over and then a crop top. Fortunately the ones I saw wear slim and had enviously nice figures. But I hate to think it upon someone like myself, I am not so confident when it comes to showing off a figure, well, in that way anyhow.

Chained Bags

These bags are on EVERY single teenagers shoulder, seriously, what's so great about them?? They are boring... However, I am embarrassed to admit that I did buy one, its cream with the chained strap with a big purple paisley bow, I really like the pattern on the bow and was (in my opinion) worth having to put up with the strap, I may see if I can change it. I will put pictures up if I find the camera.

For the second time, I am embarrassed to admit that I own this bag, (above), but I don't use it haha. I bought it a couple of years ago, when I thought it was "cool" yep, I did just say that :)

Hoped you enjoyed reading my list of cliches

Lots of love to you readers,



Friday, 9 April 2010

Tapered Trousers and Sports Luxe

Tapered Trousers

I just love the new tapered trousers, probably derived from harems - these trousers are tailored and well cut, and they look great with schoobs or brogues.

I really like the waist on these because it will really accentuate the wearers figure! It can be worn with a loose top or a skinny top.

I don't really like this pair as they look slightly too big on the model, but the material is just gorgeous.

Sports Luxe

I'm still not sure if the Sports Luxe look is a good idea because I'm not exactly in love with the whole lazy look of tracksuits, which is why I detest Juicy Couture, ergh, and the colours and embellishments. Enough said! I also don't really like jeans, I do own distressed ones but only for emergencies, i.e. when my house burns down and thats all I have left ;) . Anyway, onto some pictures of Sports Luxe;

I love these tracksuits (?) these are possibly the only tracksuits I have ever liked! I like the simple belt around the top, and also I adore grey!

This outfit doesn't fit the category of Sports Luxe, but the leggings do, I quite like them in a weird way because they are quite weird but I do like them :)

Lots of love followers,

