Sunday 22 August 2010

Ecuador 2010.

Just a (kind of) brief overview of my time in Ecuador..

The cities I visited:

Banos - a popular town with many waterfalls

Quito the capital city

Papallacta - in the mountains
A home stay in the rainforest; next to the Napo River

Shangri la - again in the rainforest

Cuenca - another large city

A Hacienda - (a ranch)

Finally - Ottavalo - a market town

So, they were also many moments
which I will remember for a long
time, they will be demonstrated 
in pictures:

White water rafting on the Napo

Little Quichea Indian boys ate the left over Mexican on a banana leaf

Natural Hot Springs

My sister getting painted like a tribal person

In the Ecuadorian culture your birthday is celebrated by the person getting hit x many times, 
number of hits=your new age
Pedro unfortunately had just turned 19!

The absolutely GORGEOUS kids,
picture 1 = sully (soo-lee) - 5
picture 2 = yashira - 11

Swimming in the Napo

Finally, brace yourselves!

Yes, my sister, with a TARANTULA on her arm! 

Thank you for reading, and I recommend Ecuador for anyone interested
in travelling and such.

Ok, signing off now :)

Just wanted to say: I am really grateful that I get the chance to 
go to exotic countries and I hope you get to have the chance at 
some point too

Bye people :)
