Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Tumb1r Wonder

So I haven't posted in a while; and I was really stuck for ideas, I was thinking about things I've being doing recently and I remembered my recent interest in Tumb1r. This website is another less serious blogging creation.


I discovered it a couple of years ago but never went on it because at the age of maybe 12 one doesn't really commit to anything after the novelty wears off. However; after my sister provoking my intrigue with "but how can you not go on it? Its simply brilliant."


I just didn't understand what was so fantastic about a website where all you do is reblog photos/links/quotations from other blogs. But that's just it; it is simple. If you have an interest in photography then it is the perfect website for you because I enjoy seeing other people's photos; some beautiful, some obscure and some funny.


Also it is a way of keeping up with other people's interests, anyone can get me interested in anything - I am not a snob. Therefore I think everyone should at least check it out because creating an account isn't going to harm anyone is it?

I particularly love this picture!

P.S. my tumb1r is http://shadowstallerthansouls.tumblr.com/ please check it out :)



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